Ivy Suffocates Trees
With the drastic effects of climate change around the Globe in 2021, the need for carbon capture solutions has never been more urgent. Dead and dying trees release mass amounts of carbon into earth’s atmosphere every year. Saving trees from death by Ivy is easy to do, but it also takes hard work. Teamwork and awareness can make it happen. We need community involvement to save these trees. The entire Portland metro areas has hundreds of thousand of trees that are being weakened through Ivy suffocation. Contact earthontheedge.org and find out ways you can help.
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15 Negative Impacts of English Ivy
Chokes out native plants
Blocks sunlight from host trees
Damages tree bark
Weakens the host tree’s structure
Adds weight to trees
Steals nutrients and water 
from the host trees
When Ivy reaches tree top 
host tree will die
Ivy prevents natural forest fertilization cycles
Ivy increases tree “blow-downs
Ivy disrupts plant succession 
and forest growth
Ivy destroys forest canopy and increases invasive plant spread
Ivy increases the risk of erosion on slopes and hillsides.
Ivy reduces diversity and food sources for desirable insects 
and animals.
Fruit produced by Ivy has almost no nutritional value for animals 
and is toxic to many varieties of songbirds.
English Ivy encourages unwanted wildlife and insects. Ivy's intertwined mass of vines provide haven for rodents, especially rats. Ivy also creates shallow pools of water in its leaves that provide ideal breeding places for mosquitoes.
Earth On The Edge
featured on KGW!
Impact the world one 
tree at a time!
How to remove English Ivy

Deadwood and Global Carbon Cycle

Deadwood decomposing in forests not only maintains a rich biodiversity, but also affects the circulation of carbon in forests and the atmosphere.

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Earth On the Edge